1 Month VEGAN!… and the new Food Pyramide

They say that every situation, however bad it seems, always teaches us something and makes us stronger. So began our search, as a family, for a better type of nutrition, suitable for our new-born.

A.J. was born with an allergy to cow’s milk protein, as well as eggs and nuts. We did not know why our baby suffered from red spots all over his body, cramps after feeding and restless crying nights. But we soon had suspicions A.J.’s problems related to his diet. Bruno and me, as first-time parents looking out for the well-being of our child, used all our resources tracking down the diet that would not have our baby suffer anymore. I was lactating, and I did not want to deprive my son of the ONLY milk truly suited for our species, which of course is mother’s milk. Nor did I want to deprive myself of the experience of giving life and health through my breasts.

The 4th health professional we consulted was Dr. Leus, a paediatrician specialized in child’s allergies. She actually discovered A.J.’s problems were caused by an allergic reaction, and introduced us with much knowledge and patience to a new way of life.
The obvious first step was to eliminate all milk, eggs and nuts from my diet. Big step, if you realise that we live in a society that consumes animal products every hour of the day. Having consulted dozens of books, hundreds of blogs specialized in nutrition and our doctor paediatrician, I decided to adopt a diet based on vegetables, fruits, salads, whole carbs, meat and fish. Our son’s health improved almost immediately: the itchy red spots disappeared from his little body and he no longer suffered from those terrible cramps that kept us from sleeping soundly as well.

Once I stopped breastfeeding, I began to re-introduce the foods I had eliminated from my diet, and to my surprise, the problems started for me: acne, bloating and stomach pain, gas and tiredness. As a child, I was slightly intolerant to lactose, and after quite a few doctor’s visits and analysis (and a lot of discomfort) we found out that my body had lost its tolerance to this food, after eliminating it from my diet for about 8 months. So I decided to try what so many people call the “Perfect Diet” for a month: a plant-based diet, actually the same diet I did for A.J.’s sake a year before but without the meat and fish. It turned out to be the solution for my problems.

Many people criticize this lifestyle, because it is more than just a diet. Every day you try and discover new combinations and recipes that provide you with the perfect balance of proteins, essential amino acids and vitamins normally found in meat. But people do not get tired of asking “Where do you get the proteins?”, “And B12?”, “And calcium in milk?”… It is true that we find these in meat and dairy products, but it is also true that they are present in many vegetables, grains and mushrooms, which is how the animals get them. Why does no-one wonder where the elephant, the giraffe or the gorilla gets the nutrients that build and maintain its impressive bodies?

Based on the research and efforts of qualified scientists and health professionals, Belgium has recently updated its Nutrition Pyramid. In this latest, food-industry-independent version the greatest emphasis is placed on water, vegetables, whole grains, salads and fruits! At last I do not have to explain the why behind my actions anymore!

Fish, dairy and eggs were moved to a third level, while saturated meats and fats occupy the last place. And they finally removed sweets and processed foods, as well as spirits, charcuterie and carbonated drinks, from the nutritional pyramid. A great breakthrough.

We cannot judge a food just for its positive properties, when in many cases there are many more harmful properties.

Meat contains many SATURATED fats; the animals that we consume do not go out to graze, so they no longer obtain their B12 naturally, but as an additive to their meals. They are full of antibiotics, hormones, stress and inhumanity. They are sometimes mistreated and even tortured simply for our convenience, so NO THANKS, not on my plate.
I have not completely eliminated fish nor eggs. The eggs are provided by the hen in our garden and fish I reserve for special occasions.
My decision is not just about health, my decision is also about ethics. I cannot talk about sustainability knowing the environmental impact of 1kg of beef, which takes 15,400 lt. of water to produce. And worst of all, in many cases it is wasted.
And you? Are you ready for the challenge of eating in a healthier, ethical and sustainable way?


Dicen que cada situacion, por peor que parezca, siempre nos deja un aprendizaje y nos hace mas fuertes.

Asi inicio nuestra busqueda como familia, por el tipo de alimentación mas adecuado para nuestro recién nacido.

AJ nació con alergia a la proteina de la leche de vaca, al huevo y a las nueces. Yo como madre primeriza y Bruno, como padre involucrado en el bienestar de nuestro pequeño, agotamos todos los recursos en la busqueda de la mejor dieta, con tal de no ver sufrir mas a nuestro bebe.

Yo lactaba, y no queria privar a mi hijo de la UNICA leche diseñada para nuestra especie, la leche materna; y a mi, no queria privarme del privilegio de dar vida y salud a traves de mis pechos.

Luego de 4 especialistas visitados, nos encontramos con la Dra. Leus, en Gante, quien nos guió con mucho conocimiento y paciencia por este nuevo estilo de vida.

Primer paso, eliminar obviamente de mi dieta todos los lacteos, huevos y nueces. Paso gigante, cuando sabemos que vivimos en una sociedad que consume producto de origen animal a cada hora del dia.

Desde ese momento, avalada de decenas de libros, cientos de blogs especializados en nutricion y nuestro medico pediatra, adopte una dieta practicamente “Basada en vegetales, frutas, ensaladas, carbohidratos enteros, carne y pescado”.

Mi hijo no pudo estar mejor, ya no tenia su cuerpo enrojecido ni padecia de esos terribles cólicos.

Una vez deje de amamantar, empece a introducir los alimentos que habia eliminado, y para mi sorpresa, los problemas empezaron para mi. Acné, inflamación y dolor estomacal, gases y mucho cansancio.

De niña, era ligeramente intolerante a la lactosa, pero luego de haberla suprimido por entero por 8 meses, ya mi cuerpo se habia desacostumbrado a ella por completo. Luego de análisis y medicos… y mucha incomodidad, decidí probar por un mes lo que tanta gente llama: la “Dieta Perfecta”, que es una dieta “Basada en plantas” (lo mismo que habia hecho un año atras pero sin la carne y pescado)… y esa fue mi solución.

Mucha gente critica este estilo de vida, pues mas que un estilo de alimentación, vives probando y descubriendo cada dia nuevas mezclas y recetas que te provean el balance perfecto de proteínas, amináacidos esenciales y vitaminas que normalmente se encuentran en la carne. No se cansan de preguntarte “De donde sacaras las proteinas?”, “y la B12?”, “y el calcio en la leche?” … es cierto que en las carnes y en los lácteos encontramos estos componentes, pero tambien es cierto que se encuentra en MUCHISIMOS vegetales, granos y hongos, que es de donde los animales los obtienen.

Porque nadie se pregunta de donde saca el elefante, la jirafa o un gorila la proteina para esos cuerpazos?

Gracias a la opinión y al esfuerzo de científicos y profesionales de la salud calificados, Bélgica ha remodelado la Pirámide Nutricional por una mas actualizada, en la que el mayor énfasis se lo lleva el agua, los vegetales, cereales integrales, ensaladas y frutas!  Al fin no tengo que explicar más el porque como de la manera que lo hago!

Pescados, lacteos y huevos pasan a un tercer plano, mientras que las carnes y grasas saturadas ocupan el último lugar.

Sacaron definitivamente los dulces y alimentos procesados, asi como los alcoholes, la charcutería y las bebidas gaseosas de la pirámide nutricional. Un avance genial.

No podemos calificar un alimento solo por las propiedades positivas que nos aporta, en muchisimos casos, los elementos dañinos son muchisimos mas.
La grasa en las carnes es SATURADA, los animales que consumimos ya nisiquiera obtienen el B12 de manera natural, pues no salen a pastar, sino que se los agregan a sus comidas. Estan llenos de antibioticos, hormonas, estrés e inhumanidad. Son maltratados y torturados para simplemente darnos placer, NO GRACIAS, no en mi plato.

No he obviado 100% los pescados o los huevos. Los huevos los tomo de la gallina en nuestro jardin y el pescado para ocasiones especiales.

Mi decision no es solo por salud, mi decision es tambien una cuestion ética. No puedo hablar de sostenibilidad sabiendo el impacto ambiental de 1kg de carne de vaca. Para producir 1kg. de carne de res, hace falta 15,400 lt. de agua… es escandaloso . Y lo peor de todo, en mucho casos es desperdiciado.

Y tu? Te unes al reto de comer de una manera más saludable, ética y sostenible?



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